
Annie B. Fox

Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods

MGH Institute of Health Professions


Dr. Annie B. Fox is Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods in the Center for Interprofessional Studies and Innovation at MGH Institute of Health Professions. Dr. Fox currently teaches the statistics courses for PhD students in the Rehabilitation Sciences PhD program. She has also taught online graduate-level statistics courses in the School of Nursing and the Health Professions Education program at MGH IHP.

Dr. Fox’s methodological interests involve the application of advanced statistical techniques to the analysis of longitudinal data. She has extensive experience and expertise in structural equation modeling and hierarchical linear modeling. Prior to joining the IHP, Dr. Fox provided statistical support and consultation to researchers and postdoctoral fellows in the Women’s Health Sciences Division of the National Center for PTSD at VA Boston.

As a social psychologist, Dr. Fox is interested in the conceptualization, measurement, and consequences of mental illness stigma. With her colleagues at the National Center for PTSD, she has published several studies examining how mental illness stigma impacts the lives of post-911 US veterans, including their use of mental health treatment and their overall work functioning.

Dr. Fox is also interested in the relationships among psychosocial stressors, mental health, and quality of life. Across several studies, she and her colleagues have shown that mental health symptomatology negatively impacts different aspects of veterans’ occupational and family functioning. They have also demonstrated that mental health symptomatology is a key mediating link between traumatic stress exposure and quality of life outcomes.

Her research has been published in national and international journals, including Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Clinical Psychological Science, Journal of Affective Disorders, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, Psychology of Women Quarterly, and Stigma & Health.


  • Mental Illness Stigma
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis


  • PhD in Social Psychology, Certificate in Quantitative Methods, 2011

    University of Connecticut

  • MA in Social Psychology, 2009

    University of Connecticut

  • BA Honors, Psychology, 2004

    College of the Holy Cross








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